Ukraine invasion

Makes no sense at all. The levels of corruption inside Russia are off the scale. Just ask the multi-national western companies who traded there and have since had all their assets confiscated.
CV what you say is not true.

That was a response to the West freezing Russian deposits in EU as well as seising Russian national's assets.

It is shocking how you see the response of the other party as a grievance whilst disregarding one's own initial conduct which is much the same.

Moreover, some foreign national companies have decided to stay in Russia contrary to them being asked to leave by US and EU states.

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A non-partisan research post - London
Ukraine set to receive new game-changing US-made 'glide bombs' with 100-mile range as soon as today in new frontline blow to Putin

Ukrainian POWs outnumber Russian ones ten to one

UN court rejects most of Ukraine’s racial discrimination complaints against Russia

CV what you say is not true.

That was a response to the West freezing Russian deposits in EU as well as seising Russian national's assets.

It is shocking how you see the response of the other party as a grievance whilst disregarding one's own initial conduct which is much the same.

Moreover, some foreign national companies have decided to stay in Russia contrary to them being asked to leave by US and EU states.

View attachment 332924
More nonsense.

It was all business as usual before Russia decided to invade Ukraine.

So for the last time, stop putting the cart before the horse and mixing up reality with fantasy.
😅 ...
General Info

Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genome
  1. The mitochondrial genome is inherited solely from the mother (a biological female).
  2. Fathers (biological males) do not transmit their mitochondrial genome to their offspring.
The nuclear genome represents an amalgamation of DNA sequences inherited from each parent.

Male & Female Chromosomes

Biological sex is typically* determined by the combination of sex chromosomes inherited from both parents.
Females typically* have two X chromosomes (XX), and males typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

It is the contribution of the male during fertilization that determines the genetic sex of the offspring.
  1. If a sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting combination is XX, leading to a female offspring.
  2. If a sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg, the combination is XY, resulting in a male offspring.
*Girls with Swyer syndrome (1 in 80 thousand) have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.
A non-partisan research post - London
comment: more from the toothless fairy

More nonsense.
Oh really c_v - do please explain why, exactly? (You never do.)
It was all business as usual before Russia decided to invade Ukraine.
Ethnic cleansing of Russians living in the Donbas. Bio labs all over the shop. Gradual build up of Ukrainian forces trained and funded by the U.S., along with a push to get Ukraine into NATO which would result in nukes positioned right on the border with Russia. If that's what you mean by "business as usual" - then you're absolutely right. And you criticise Russia for doing something about it after years and years of warnings that such actions will not be tolerated indefinitely. Lord - give me strength!
So for the last time, stop putting the cart before the horse and mixing up reality with fantasy.
Pot, kettle, black!
You are the one clinging to the ridiculous fantasy that Ukraine can repel Russian forces and restore it's borders to their pre-February 2022 status. You know that ain't gonna happen, ever. So, why not just admit you made an honest mistake because you weren't fully informed of the facts at the start (but you are now) and, in spite of mainstream media telling porkies about all the other major news stories of the day that, for some inexplicable reason you chose to gobble up their BS about this conflict hook, line and sinker. That's the reality. You know it, I know it, we all know it and we know that you know it - regardless of your protestations to the contrary!
A non-partisan research post - London
EU agrees £43billion Ukraine aid package after pressuring Hungary's Viktor Orban to drop his veto, in huge blow to Putin
  • European Council President Charles Michel said the deal was struck in Brussels just over an hour into a summit of the bloc's leaders
  • Ukraine's President Zelensky hailed the deal, saying the package would 'strengthen long-term economic and financial stability' of his embattled country
A non-partisan research post - London
Putin's tank massacre: Battlefield footage shows entire column of 11 Russian armoured vehicles obliterated by Ukrainian drones

More nonsense.

It was all business as usual before Russia decided to invade Ukraine.

So for the last time, stop putting the cart before the horse and mixing up reality with fantasy.

It wasn't all business as usual before Russia decided to hold a special operation to check Ukraine fantasy and put a halt to US wet dream.

Zelensky puppet changed Ukraine consititution to join NATO.

February 19, 2019 - KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s president on Tuesday signed a constitutional amendment committing to join NATO and the European Union, acknowledging that the nation still has a long way to go to meet the membership criteria.

Speaking in parliament, Petro Poroshenko said he sees securing Ukraine’s membership in the EU and NATO as his “strategic mission.”

Poroshenko, who is running for a second five-year term in the March 31 election, told parliament that he aims to make a formal bid to join the EU by 2023 and also negotiate a detailed action plan for joining NATO.

Not to mention all the NAZI fascist activities killing off pro-Russian support in Donbas region. Not paying pensioners because they spoke Russian and had Russian relatives.

Ukraine is even turning against the Orthodox Church for supposedly supporting Russia. If there ever was a tyrant in the making it is Zelensky, manufactured and supported by the West.

Your three lines just moves away from what we were originally discussing. So to bring you back to your original statement which was...

counter_violent said:
Makes no sense at all. The levels of corruption inside Russia are off the scale. Just ask the multi-national western companies who traded there and have since had all their assets confiscated.
Well no they are still happily trading in Russia and have not had their assets confiscated. But Russian companies have had their accounts frozen, interests withheld on deposits and Russians have had their assets seized.

Russian ambassador blasts US accusations about forced deportation of Ukrainian children

Zelensky vs. Zaluzhny: Something is coming over already this week
See more at
Not bad for a country that has no navy. This latest strike brings the losses to about 20% of the Black Sea fleet.

Drones are what will do for Russia and production of these game changers is already ramping up.

Enjoy !

A non-partisan research post - London
Win in Ukraine, or raise the risk of WWIII: Grant Shapps warns that failure to fend off Russian aggression would embolden China, Iran and North Korea
A non-partisan research post - London
Long-range missiles strike civilian targets across Europe. Baltic states are invaded. AI-controlled tanks rule the battlefield. As NATO warns of Russian attack in 20 years, a terrifying prediction of how it will unfold
  • European governments are ramping up military readiness in preparation for potential conflict with Russia
A non-partisan research post - London
Why Ukraine can't beat Russia’s 'elastic defence' | About That