New Learning Section


The purpose of the brand new learning section of the website is to gather together all the information we can get hold of on any given topic of trading, everything from how to make your first trade to employing money management and trading tactics to lock in those profits. What we've done is to first of all break down trading into a number of different categories. For example technical anaylsis and day trading are two we've chosen. These categories are then divided into different topics relevant to that category. So for example day trading has topics on "UK Level 2" and "Scalping". Once you've chosen your topic, we then present you with our Trade2Win decsription for that topic, a list of glossary terms and their explanations in case you're struggling with the terminology, a list of external website links relevant ot the topic and finally members comments about the topic.

To make best use of the learning section we're encouraging all our members to contribute whenever they can, by adding new topics, glossary terms, links and comments.

The learning section is slowly beginning to fill up with useful articles. Most topics still don't have our own description and I would be grateful to any members who would consider writing a short piece for this, then hopefully this will generate some comments from other members that we can then incorporate back into the description.

Also would be interested to hear your thoughts and suggestions for the learning section.

Well I've received one article on point and figure charts, but that's it. Notice not many people have contributed to the learning section. Would be interested to hear whether folks think it is useful and ways we can make it more beneficial to your learning.
